Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Countdown Begins!

Twenty-two days until my first day of school as a REAL TEACHER! Oh, I'm so excited! Today I decided to get my butt in gear and start in on some tough stuff. My first task was creating a Music Department Handbook. As I started this I realized I need to talk to my Athletic Director to secure all the dates for the concerts before I go any further, as well as figure out my office phone numbers. I looked on both school websites and couldn't find them on either. I guess that will wait until I get to the school again.

But while I was browsing the school websites, I found class descriptions for all the high school classes. I re-wrote the ones for my classes, check 'em out!

Music Department

Course: Junior High Band

MISO3 Course Code: 12006

Grade Level: 7-8

Credit: None

Course Description: The Junior High Band meets every other day for the entire year and is open to all students in grades seven and eight who play a woodwind, brass or percussion instrument, or would like to learn. We study and perform music from all stylistic periods and range from full band to solo works. The group performs many times during the school year for school functions, district and state contests, and concerts. Students are expected to participate in all of these performances, which typically take place outside of the school day.

Course: Junior High Choir

MISO3 Course Code: 12007

Grade Level: 7-8

Credit: None

Course Description: The Junior High Choir meets every other day for the entire school year and is open to all students in grades seven and eight with an interest in vocal music. We study and perform music from all stylistic periods and range from full group singing to solo works. The group performs many times during the school year for school functions, district and state contests, and concerts. Students are expected to participate in all of these performances, which typically take place outside of the school day.

Course: Senior High Band

MISO3 Course Code: 12051

Grade Level: 9-12

Credit: ½

Course Description: The Senior High Band meets every other day for the entire school year and is open to all students grades nine through twelve who play a woodwind, brass or percussion instrument or would like to learn. We study and perform music from all stylistic periods and range from full band to solo works. The group performs many times during the school year for school functions, district and state contests, and concerts. Students are expected to participate in all of these performances, which typically take place outside of the school day.

Course: Senior High Choir

MISO3 Course Code: 12040

Grade Level: 9-12

Credit: ½

Course Description: The Senior High Choir meets every other day for the entire school year and is open to all students grades nine through twelve with an interest in vocal music. We study and perform music from all stylistic periods and range from full band to solo works. The group performs many times during the school year for school functions, district and state contests, and concerts. Students are expected to participate in all of these performances, which typically take place outside of the school day.

You may or may not notice that there isn't a Jazz Band or Show Choir included. I've decided to start the year without these two ensembles. I still want to work on small ensembles throughout the year, but there hasn't been enough committed students to make the jazz band and show choir work well. When I see a high level of commitment from students and a great interest in outside ensembles, I would love to bring them back.

I've also been working on a survey to give students the first day of class. It includes questions about their range, if they're working with a private instructor, what their musical goals are for the year, how I can help them with those goals, and their expectations of me as their music director.

Now I need to start work on finalizing my classroom rules and expectations and putting together my handbook! Wish me luck :)

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