Sunday, June 26, 2011

More Logo Options

Here's a few more logo options. Number 4 (the top one) is something my friend Mike suggested doing, as we're the Hatton-Northwood Thunder. I threw it together in word and paint and if I went with something like this I'd have to find someone to do a more professional job...

The next one, number 5, is one that someone created and left as a comment! I really like it, but it would be pretty tough to paint on the big wall in my classroom.

The last logo (I hope) is number 6 and is one that I created on an online make-your-own-logo program. I took a photo of my computer screen since I couldn't download it unless I paid moo-lah, which I didn't want to do unless I actually use it. So the blue doesn't actually fade, it's just a solid blue.
Again, I appreciate any input or help. I've started typing up the new Music Department Handbook (which includes a syllabus, grading scale, what to expect, what I'm expecting, etc.) and I'm still typing the inventory list....slowly but surely...uff-da.

1 comment:

  1. Can you tell I like treble clefs?? Dr. Mrs. Miller would hate them all!! hahaha
