Sunday, August 7, 2011

Pictures of my Northwood Classroom

A while back I talked about painting the new music dept logo on the big empty wall. I've decided to hold off for now and wait for help from students (well, I can dream). Plus, I'd need about a fifteen foot tall ladder (and I petrified of heights). So I'm going to procrastinate on this one. However, I wanted to give you a tour of my new space.

When you first walk in, there's a door to your right where the instruments are stored.

Continuing on your right is a small practice room (farthest on the right), a large practice room (currently full of the elementary teacher's props) and my shared office on the left. Yes, I share my room with the elementary music teacher. It's tough because we both have very different needs in the space, but hopefully we'll make it work!

Here is my big, empty wall. This is where I wanted the big logo, but as you can see it's easier said than done! There's also a portable smart board to the right and a back door that goes into another storage room. This is continuing left, with our crazy spaceship round windows that are throughout the building. My band will be set up in this "corner".

Continuing left is the choir set-up. In front of the risers is where the elementary music class is primarily held.
And we're back around to the door! This is the main entrance. There's a plain portable whiteboard to the right and a sink and counter area behind it. The door on the left is the door to the instrument storage.

So you can see that I have a strange set-up, but I DO love a challenge! If you have experience with a space like this or ideas for a different set-up, please share!!! :)

Happy last few weeks of summer!

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