Wednesday, August 24, 2011

School has started!

Hello All!

School has finally started and I'm so excited to see shining faces in my classrooms! We began yesterday but I only had a few classes as students weren't bussed between schools yet. So today was my first "real" day with all my classes. It was a band day so I started my day with high school band, then I had fifth and sixth grade bands in Northwood. I love seeing the fifth graders faces when they get to hold an instrument for the first time and try to make a sound on the various mouthpieces. It really is magical that a tiny slice of wood vibrating can make such a beautiful sound!

Then I left for Hatton where I ate lunch with my Mom (aren't I lucky!). I then had junior high band, followed by fifth and sixth grade Hatton bands. It's been so much fun getting to see a glimpse of what this year will hold and I can't wait to get into the literature.

I passed out our music handbooks and asked all students to go through them with their parents to make sure they understand my expectations. If the parents are reading this that means my students have listened well!! If there are any questions or concerns parents can e-mail me at Also, please sign the contract in the back of the handbook and return it to me!

Good night for now!

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