Sunday, June 26, 2011

More Logo Options

Here's a few more logo options. Number 4 (the top one) is something my friend Mike suggested doing, as we're the Hatton-Northwood Thunder. I threw it together in word and paint and if I went with something like this I'd have to find someone to do a more professional job...

The next one, number 5, is one that someone created and left as a comment! I really like it, but it would be pretty tough to paint on the big wall in my classroom.

The last logo (I hope) is number 6 and is one that I created on an online make-your-own-logo program. I took a photo of my computer screen since I couldn't download it unless I paid moo-lah, which I didn't want to do unless I actually use it. So the blue doesn't actually fade, it's just a solid blue.
Again, I appreciate any input or help. I've started typing up the new Music Department Handbook (which includes a syllabus, grading scale, what to expect, what I'm expecting, etc.) and I'm still typing the inventory list....slowly but surely...uff-da.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Logo Options

Number One
Number Two
And Number Three

Please help me choose one, or if you're good with graphics, help me design a new one!!

Thanks all!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

First Day in My New Classroom!

Today is my first day in my new Classroom! The teacher that just left was kind enough to leave me helpful notes around the office so that I have somewhat of an idea what to expect in my first few days. I've started looking through and updating the inventory. You see, I went to high school here, and one of the teachers I had (there were four different teachers in my four years of high school) was a super-organization specialist (thank you!!) and inventoried the entire band room. As awesome as that is, I no longer have any electronic copy of the inventory, and it hasn't been updated since she left in 2004. At least I have something to start with, and I'm so grateful for that! I found all of the choir folders and started filling them with pencils (they're velcroed in so the kids won't lose them), warm-ups (such as "When Jesus Wept" and "Ave Maria") and our first song ("Sicut Cervus"). I'm so excited to keep working on things in here and get everything prepared and ready for the first day. I want to paint a new music department logo on the huge empty wall in the room, but I'm having trouble coming up with a good logo. I'll upload photos later and you'll have to give me some input. Wish me luck and I'll update you all soon!